Te peinaba el alma

Sol Giancaspro

Sol was born in Mar del Plata (Argentina), and studied Arts and Dramaturgy. She graduated in Directing from ENERC in Argentina and holds a Master’s degree in Screenwriting from ECAM in Madrid. Her short films have been screened in Latin America and Europe. Among them, «Las arañas», awarded by RECAM and nominated for the Cóndor de Plata in 2023, and «La comunicación del silencio», selected at the Cinema de Femmes Film Festival in Paris.

An economic crisis forces a mother to put her four children up for sale. Since they are unable to sell Elsa, they leave her in an orphanage where, years later, she will end up for sale for the second time. In her script 4 NIÑOS EN VENTA, the author seeks to represent the seizure of power over human dignity in times when wars leave orphans everywhere.