by Loreto Quijada
This is a poetically fictionalized true story. It tells the story of Matías, a boy from the peripheral sector of Santiago de Chile, who steals some baby diapers from the supermarket. This trivial act meshes their lives inexorably with that of Larraín, a top business executive from Sanhattan in the Chilean financial mere. Their distant realities intertwine in a polarized country, marked by inequality and indifference, revealing an abysmal disparity and deeply rooted social cracks in contemporary Chilean society.
About the author
Born in Viña del Mar (Chile), Loreto Quijada graduated as a Filmmaker from the Chilean Film School with a specialization in Editing and Post-production, an area in which she has worked with great exponents of Spanish-speaking cinema such as Fernando Trueba, Matías Bize and Nicolas Acuna. In Germany, she completed a Master’s Degree in Digital Narratives in Köln and was awarded the Wim Wenders Scholarship in 2020.